Accessibilities and Remote Communities Subcommittee Chairperson email
Accessibilities Communities assist A.A. members who have a variety of challenges in accessing the A.A. message in A.A. meetings, Twelve Step work and other A.A. service. The pamphlet Serving All Alcoholics provides an overview of opportunities to serve on this committee.
Accessibility Committee Resources
Access Alcoholics Anonymous, the Big Book, and Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions on .pdf, A.S.L. and in audio formats.
Access the pamphlet, A.A. for the Alcoholic with Special Needs in audio format and A.S.L.
The resources below (available in PDF format which is compatible with some assisted technologies) contain A.A. shared experience in Accessibilities Twelve Step work. Local general service committees and local intergroup/central office committees may have further experience to share.